File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 33

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
321 17-05-2002 5781 Kb. 11
The Developer Device Driver Kit(DDK) for OS/2
 as Version 2 Volume 6 
322 17-05-2002 2310 Kb. 11
The Developer Device Driver Kit(DDK) for OS/2
 as Version 2 Volume 7 
323 09-04-1993 257 Kb. 12
Sample code for creating device drivers for
OS/2 in c  
324 07-08-2002 267 Kb. 12
The basic DDTT test tool as update of the Develo
per Device Driver Kit(DDK) - Sept 3 1996 
325 14-09-1994 94 Kb. 10
Code for Article "An Example OS/2 C++ Class
Library System", in the July/August issue. 
326 28-12-1993 2 Kb. 9
DB2/2 Decimal conversion routines. Includes
two sample routines to convert the DB2/2 decimal
datatype - one to a character string, and one
to a long double. 
327 17-04-1995 3 Kb. 11
C++ Classes for Decimal and Money 95/04/17.
Classes defined in this file use a double and
an int to represent Decimal numbers. Where neede
d doubles are scaled so they represent integral
values for arithmetic. 
328 24-11-1989 23 Kb. 12
Generate .DEF file given new EXE file format 
329 02-10-1996 55 Kb. 12
Deptouch.exe takes a list of source/object files
, checks their date and time and changes the
timestamp on a specified file.  This is useful
for making sure an executable is not recompiled
if you do not want it to be. 
330 09-02-1995 178 Kb. 10
DeRegisterer v. 0.4- a program to deregister
WPS Classes. 

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