File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 34

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
331 09-04-1991 12 Kb. 12
DES encryption/decryption file that works in
OS/2 full source included. Taken from Dr. Dobbs.
Could use some speed improvements.  
332 19-03-1993 88 Kb. 11
DES encryption code originally appearing in
Doctor Dobbs Journal. Ported to an OS/2 DLL.
Includes source, make, and .DLL. No documentatio
n but the source should give a user the API. 
333 20-02-1996 122 Kb. 11
OS/2 WARP library for the NBS Data Encryption
Standard (DES) in ECB  and  CBC mode with suppor
t of 24 byte keys (3DES). 
334 17-02-1994 166 Kb. 11
DES is an encrypting algorithm. With these progr
ams you can encrypt/decrypt your files. 
335 28-02-2002 1526 Kb. 11
The header files of the Warp Developer's Toolkit
v4.5 (1999) 
336 03-11-2002 308 Kb. 11
A program for dev audio emulation v0.1.1. Source
as C++ is included(Dec 6 1998) 
337 02-02-1991 45 Kb. 10
Tutorial for writing OS/2 Device Drivers in
338 21-06-1993 25 Kb. 12
A functional demo of Impact Software's Entryfiel
d Window Class. It allows the developer to speci
fy picture masks for the entryfield. It supports
16 and 32 bit. This file contains a sample execu
table to some of the functions it performs. 
339 12-12-2002 42 Kb. 10
The Development Workplace v0.16 as a japanese
PM program with source code. 
340 20-11-1993 67 Kb. 12
Dflat++ ver 3 ported to OS/2 Borland C++ OS/2

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