File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 32

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
311 29-01-1994 29 Kb. 9
Short sample code using OS/2's DDF (Dynamic
Data Facility), which allows an application
to dynamically format help text (with links,
bitmaps, etc). 
312 26-11-2002 8 Kb. 10
The header file  DDI.H for OS/2  - Video and
Printer DDI Structures and Definitions(Nov 22
313 ddk-app.txt 23-02-1993 4 Kb. 96
Application form for Device Driver Development
Kit for Europe, Middle-East and Africa. 
314 17-02-1993 15 Kb. 12
Info on IBM OS/2 Device Driver Workshops schedul
ed during 1993. 
315 23-02-1993 0 Kb. 11
List of the contents of the OS/2 2.1 DDK. Text
file listing the contents in the recently announ
ced OS/2 2.1 DDK 
316 17-05-2002 7364 Kb. 9
The Developer Device Driver Kit(DDK) for OS/2
 as Version 2 Volume 1 
317 17-05-2002 5250 Kb. 12
The Developer Device Driver Kit(DDK) for OS/2
 as Version 2 Volume 2 
318 17-05-2002 4645 Kb. 9
The Developer Device Driver Kit(DDK) for OS/2
 as Version 2 Volume 3 
319 17-05-2002 2272 Kb. 12
The Developer Device Driver Kit(DDK) for OS/2
 as Version 2 Volume 4 
320 17-05-2002 4527 Kb. 11
The Developer Device Driver Kit(DDK) for OS/2
 as Version 2 Volume 5 

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