File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 27

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
261 21-09-1993 6 Kb. 9
A sample mortgage program using VisPro/REXX. 
262 15-08-1993 3 Kb. 9
MOUSECHG.CMD is a simple REXX exec to change
your default mouse pointer under OS/2 2.1. 
It does this by modifying your OS2.INI file
to include a new "Application" called "PM_SysPoi
263 27-03-1992 15 Kb. 9
OS/2 Rexx and Kedit macros for navigating DIR
lists. Includes a Rexx/Kexx formatting tool
264 mousize.cmd 07-03-1994 0 Kb. 81
REXX Cmd file to change the size of the mouse
cursor or force the system to select size.  
265 18-08-2002 48 Kb. 10
A REXX tool to decompile, modify, and recompile
message (*.MSG) files(1997) 
266 07-02-1996 36 Kb. 10
MSNWREXX v1.1 - REXX callable OS/2 DLL containin
g Netware related routines. Provides server
attachment, drive mapping etc.  Suitable for
developing REXX based programs connected with
Netware logins under OS/2. Shareware. 
267 19-05-1993 13 Kb. 9
This is a REXX program that will read a text
file and create objects on the desktop. 
268 05-10-1995 5 Kb. 10
Match Properties External Macro for VX-Rexx
269 02-10-1995 3 Kb. 10
mtseek:text searcher- multithreaded REXX app.
Code found in the article: "All the Threads,
 All the Time" from the the 01/96 issue of OS/2
magazine. Multithreaded REXX application which
searches files for the occurrence of specific
270 multid.cmd 10-05-1994 6 Kb. 87
When dropping multiple files on a program object
, the WPS creates multiple instances of the
object, each with one file. This REXX program
will collect all the files dropped and process
them at one time. 

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