File index of OS2SWBBS: REXX Programs page 26

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
251 13-03-1994 8 Kb. 11
REXX program to create a boot diskette for OS/2
2.11. Creates 3.5: HD diskettes only. Won't
work for PS/2 systems. Requires OS/2 2.11 instal
led. Requires the service pack diskettes to
be available. 
252 10-02-1993 33 Kb. 10
MakeDesk v1.40 is a REXX script that offers
a simple object definition language for creating
/updating WPS objects. This allows easy building
/rebuilding of lost objects, consistent setups
of multiple desktops, etc. 
253 17-11-1993 2 Kb. 9
MIND.CMD. Artificial-intelligence REXX program,
originally written for Amiga. 
254 05-12-1994 510 Kb. 10
MIDI Jukebox. EXE generated using Watcom Interna
tional's VX-REXX development environment and
DB Technologies, Inc. Multimedia Object Pack
for VX-REXX. Sample program shipped with DB
Technologies, Inc. Multimedia Object Pack for
255 15-03-1995 5 Kb. 10
Make Book Object, script that creates icons
for .INFs 
256 06-10-1992 5 Kb. 10
REXX Procedure to Re-create folders and icons
for ES Comm Manager, UPM, LAN Services and Exten
ded Services. 
257 13-07-2003 22 Kb. 10
A REXX  Function : MKey  -  Syntax : keypress=MK
ey(timelimit (,timewait)) -  Get input from
the keyboard, without the requirement for a
key to be pressed. This function is a part of
M.DLL, an OS/2 REXX DLL(Jan 20 2002) 
258 21-01-1993 1 Kb. 10
REXX file, which helps to create program objects
. This little REXX script helps to create progra
m objects just from the files in the drive objec
ts. With the association it appears in all execu
table OPEN-menus. Freeware. 
259 11-12-1992 4 Kb. 10
This REXX procedure makes NET.CFG files. It
is a very flexible script that uses driver defin
itions stored in a straightforward text file
format. Useful for many installations of OS/2
and the NetWare Requester. 
260 13-09-1994 132 Kb. 11
WPS Class for creating specialized objects in
Rexx; also for accessing WPS from external proce
sses. w/samples. d/l before 10/10/94. 

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