Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
271 | | 22-06-1990 | 13 Kb. | 9 | REXX CMD File of Murphy's Laws Ported from VM/SP Mainframe Environment. Needs OS/2 EE 1.2, OS/2 SE 1.3 or OS/2 EE 1.3 |
272 | | 02-02-2003 | 4 Kb. | 10 | MYCAMX v2.5 - A REXX utility to download picture s from an electronic camera to a HD(Nov 11 2001) |
273 | | 28-01-1993 | 4 Kb. | 9 | REXX Change Directory. REXX CMD files which simulate the DOS NORTON NCD program for quickly changing to a subdirectory by specifying only a partial last directory node. |
274 | | 04-02-1994 | 5 Kb. | 9 | VisPro/REXX sample program shows how to implemen t OS/2 queues within REXX by using the net send command. Includes all sample source and an icon for embedding. |
275 | | 20-05-1994 | 10 Kb. | 9 | An OS/2 REXX EXEC to automate PEER backups using SYTOS over LS 2/3. |
276 | | 23-12-1998 | 755 Kb. | 10 | NetRexx 1.148 toolkit & compiler. NetRexx is a human-oriented programming language which makes writing and using Java classes quicker and easier than writing in Java. Compiler and utility classes, samples, and online documentati on. |
277 | | 22-12-1998 | 315 Kb. | 10 | NetRexxD 1.148 package -- PostScript documentati on. NetRexx is a human-oriented programming language. Includes the NetRexx 1.00 definition [13 Apr 1997] and the NetRexx Supplement 1.148. |
278 | | 11-07-2000 | 1082 Kb. | 9 | NETREXX v1.16 - Toolkit, compiler and documentat ion(Feb. 2000) |
279 | | 23-05-2002 | 94 Kb. | 10 | NetUtil v1.24 - A REXX function package that simulate and enhance NET commands of the LAN server. It also includes functions that can perform what NET commands do not offer(Oct., 22th 1999) |
280 | | 30-10-1997 | 140 Kb. | 10 | NetUtil.DLL is a REXX function package which includes REXX functions that simulate and enhanc e NET commands of IBM OS/2 Warp Server products. It also includes functions that can perform what NET commands do not offer. |