File index of OS2SWBBS: Graphics Viewers, Editors, & Utils page 5

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
41 dkbos2.zoo 30-08-1992 365 Kb. 110
Dkbtrace raytracer 2.12 for OS/2 2.0. Requires
ZOO21E.EXE to uncompress. 
42 dkbpm2.zoo 30-08-1992 444 Kb. 103
Integrated graphical interface for DKB ray trace
r. Requires ZOO21E.EXE to uncompress. 
43 30-12-1997 762 Kb. 11
Vector-based drawing many text, line, area featu
44 30-12-1997 762 Kb. 11
DrawCat v1.1 is a vector based program for drawi
ng geometric figures. 
45 02-08-1997 690 Kb. 8
DrawCat is a vector based program fro drawing
 geometric figures.  
46 26-11-2002 293 Kb. 11
DrawTree v2.01 as a japanese PM program (Mar
24 1998) 
47 29-09-1994 207 Kb. 10
Fun and programmable OS/2 BMP Pictures viewer
and wall paper hanger.  Allows multiple windows
opened and tiled. Must have! (Sep.94) 
48 16-06-2001 415 Kb. 12
EBOOKIE v2.2 is a tool to edit easily tagged
files with the EMP editor (1993) 
49 13-08-1997 23 Kb. 37
Einstein Explorer: simulate visual effects of
special relativity (req. OpenGL). 
50 20-09-1996 58 Kb. 11
The Elizium Demos for OS/2 A few quick demos
of what can be achieved with OS/2 using graphics
in fullscreen mode. EMX Runtime 0.9a is required

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