File index of OS2SWBBS: Graphics Viewers, Editors, & Utils page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 21-06-1999 2552 Kb. 11
Embellish V2.02b photo-editing tool. Fully Funct
ional Demo for OS/2. 
52 30-07-1998 1578 Kb. 11
Escape GL V2.2 for OS/2 updated 30 July 1998.
 Free of charge for all Registered Escape GL
V2 users. 
53 05-10-1998 567 Kb. 9
Fig2dev converts FIG format pictures to other
formats like PostScript, GIF, EPS, etc. 
54 11-02-2002 393 Kb. 11
Fly v1.6.5 - A C program that creates PNG, JPEG
or GIF images on the fly from CGI and other
programs. The source is included.See:http://www., 25th 1999) 
55 19-01-1994 401 Kb. 11
FRACTZ - A free fractal drawing program. Include
s source. It will compile with both the IBM
and Borland C++ compilers. 
56 18-06-1997 833 Kb. 11
ForeSepace v0.30b: modeller for POV-ray. Some
additional features like shift-dragging to selec
t, plus bug fixes. Still for POV-Ray 2.2 
57 25-08-1997 1277 Kb. 9
ForeSpace v0.42b. PM wireframe modeller for
58 18-07-1996 487 Kb. 9
Galleria and Galleria/CM bitmap tools.  Graphics
viewer for OS/2 v2.31 
59 galler.txt 23-09-1996 22 Kb. 86
Galleria 2.31 - description and pricing -- OS/2
bitmap utility. 
60 18-07-1996 487 Kb. 12
Galleria 2.31 - OS/2 bitmap utility, screen
capture.  Fast, easy to use bitmap utility.
Supports all major file formats incl. Features
include thumbnails, drag/drop, screen shows,
undo/redo, filters, zoom. Limited function demo. 

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