Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
31 | | 29-09-1996 | 604 Kb. | 10 | CopyShop/2 2.0 - The OS/2 Copier for ScanJets. Full-featured 30 day demo ver. The original and user-friendly OS/2 copier program. It turns your ScanJet into an automatic collating office copier, a fast fax machine, and an image viewer. |
32 | | 10-08-1998 | 956 Kb. | 10 | Math function plotting application. |
33 | | 15-05-1990 | 277 Kb. | 10 | Ray tracing program for OS/2. |
34 | | 10-01-1998 | 517 Kb. | 11 | Native OS/2 PM application to download images from the Kodak DC210 digital camera. |
35 | | 20-05-2000 | 707 Kb. | 11 | Digital Camera Image Transfer Utility v1.8i. Works with many brands of Digital Cameras. |
36 | | 15-11-1997 | 272 Kb. | 11 | Convert USGS Digital Elevation Model datafiles to TGA format (for POVray, etc.). |
37 | | 26-10-1990 | 10 Kb. | 12 | DeskView-PM - PM Bitmap File Viewer. Displays a PM bitmap file on the screen. Save to / read from the clipboard, invert colors, and rotate images. This version also reads some Windows 3.0 bitmaps (not compressed ones). |
38 | | 10-07-2000 | 710 Kb. | 10 | ( Digitize from an on screen image using your mouse. |
39 | | 10-10-2002 | 2474 Kb. | 10 | The ELSA DIPLomat v1.2 graphic system for Warp 3,4 and WIN-OS/2 as german version(Dec 3 1997) |
40 | | 01-12-2002 | 79 Kb. | 10 | DIVECAPT - Capturing the OS/2 desktop as BMP file |