Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
251 | | 21-03-1996 | 52 Kb. | 6 | FindYourFiles v1.1 - Locates files on local, networked, and CD drives. Can search inside ZIP and LZH compressed files. |
252 | | 22-04-1996 | 59 Kb. | 6 | FindYourFiles v1.2, Flexible VIO file finding program. NEW: Find Files based on content, regul ar text and regular expression searches. |
253 | | 06-09-1994 | 34 Kb. | 8 | Command line utility changes text or binary data in files. |
254 | | 23-11-1990 | 23 Kb. | 8 | Global Delete version 1.2. |
255 | | 25-08-1989 | 16 Kb. | 8 | Global delete. |
256 | | 01-01-2000 | 71 Kb. | 9 | GDIFF is a freeware OS/2 program that will compu te differences between 2 files, and save the results to a "GDIFF formatted" difference file. GDIFF can also "undifference" a "new" file, given an "original" file and a difference file. |
257 | | 29-02-1996 | 284 Kb. | 8 | GETIT v1.1. Finds text files anywhere on system. Enter up to 4 search strings. Manipulate files retrieved during a search. Create result file of text passages relevant to research objectives , using built in editor. |
258 | | 20-01-1996 | 21 Kb. | 8 | OS/2 Command-line directory-changing utility, crosses disks, networks, simple-to-use. FREEWA RE by James E. Johnson Jr. |
259 | | 07-11-1994 | 103 Kb. | 8 | What CHDIR should have been from the start. |
260 | | 16-12-1994 | 36 Kb. | 8 | Go V2.41 a directory changing utility that allow s you to use a substring of the target path. |