File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 25

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
241 24-10-1996 989 Kb. 6
FileStar/2 2.03 - Demo Ver. Elegant, easy to
use graphical file manager for OS/2 Warp and
OS/2 Warp 4. Intuitive, dual file window  displa
y makes it easy to drag and drop files from
one partition and directory to another. 
242 30-05-1988 23 Kb. 9
Full-Screen Directory Browser for OS/2. Command
shell. One window shows the directories and
another shows the file contents of the "current"
directory.  Allows convienient traversal of
the file system while allowing easy command
243 23-03-1988 8 Kb. 9
file search and browse for os/2 
244 03-07-1996 209 Kb. 8
File Scraper is a utility for file searching. 
245 08-09-1994 266 Kb. 8
This is the Information file (INF) for FileStar
v0.99E. Minor changes from previous versions. 
246 22-04-1996 27 Kb. 8
fsplit splits a multi-routine Fortran file into
individual files. 
247 13-08-1996 133 Kb. 9
fst (File System Tool) 0.3f is a tool for checki
ng filesystems, like CHKDSK, and for displaying
information about filesystems. 
248 08-09-1994 432 Kb. 7
FileStar v0.99E AN OS/2 PM File Manager with
Drag&drop, point&click interface, file data
all views, 21 dialogs, nice two window layout. 
249 16-02-2000 688 Kb. 8
FileStar/2 v2.01 HLP file. 
250 30-12-1996 76 Kb. 8
UNIX-DOS file conversion and vice versa, file
splitting and file hex dump utility. 

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