File index of OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities page 15

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
141 unz540x2.exe 18-01-1999 266 Kb. 22
Info-Zip UNZIP v5.4 UnZip utility. (32-bit execu
tables?) Info-ZIP's purpose is to provide free,
portable, high-quality versions of the Zip and
UnZip compressor-archiver utilities that are
compatible with the DOS-based PKZIP by PKWARE,
142 16-08-1989 16 Kb. 12
An OS/2 unzipper with C source. 
143 08-02-1994 327 Kb. 10
InfoZip portable Unzip, version 5.1.  This file
contains source code only for multiple platforms
144 02-08-1994 388 Kb. 12
InfoZip unzip v5.11 source code 
145 28-08-1994 396 Kb. 12
InfoZip UnZip 5.12, source code 
146 29-04-1996 787 Kb. 12
InfoZip's updated 5.20 unzip source  
147 unzip520.exe 18-07-1996 419 Kb. 22
Info-ZIP UNZIP 5.20 un-archiver. 
148 unzip531.exe 23-06-1997 426 Kb. 19
Info-ZIP UNZIP 5.31 un-archiver (exe) 
149 31-05-1997 819 Kb. 13
Info-ZIP UNZIP 5.31 un-archiver (source) 
150 02-11-1997 897 Kb. 13
Info-ZIP UNZIP v5.32 source code.  

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