File index of OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities page 14

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
131 11-05-2002 42 Kb. 10
A utility to list/decompress files with the
extensions *.tar and *.tgz. Another option -u
is for gunzip. 
132 17-02-1997 159 Kb. 9
UNTGZ .TGZ (TAR/GZIP) Extractor v0.95 Directly
decompresses UNIX TGZ (tar/gzip) archives under
MS-DOS. Features automatic long filename convers
ion. Includes: DOS, DOS 386+, 32-bit Windows
95/NT and also a native OS/2 EXE. Includes compl
ete C source. 
133 17-03-2002 66 Kb. 9
UNTGZOS2.EXE v0.95 - An extractor of files with
extension tar.gz,tgz,tar and gz. Source included
(Feb. 17th 1997) 
134 unz511.exe 05-08-1994 231 Kb. 22
InfoZip's UnZip 5.11:  OS/2 exes & docs Contains
:   16- and 32-bit executables for UnZip   
 (ZipInfo now built in)   16-bit executable
for UnZipSFX (self-     extractor stub:  prepend
to zipfiles)   16- and 32-bit executables for
135 04-11-1997 386 Kb. 10
Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.32. 
136 04-11-1997 173 Kb. 11
Info-ZIP UNZIP v5.32 .DLL support. 
137 unz532x1.exe 09-11-1997 214 Kb. 20
Info-ZIP UNZIP v5.32 16-bit OS/2 binaries.  
138 unz532x2.exe 09-11-1997 231 Kb. 20
Info-ZIP UNZIP v5.32 32-bit OS/2 binaries.  
139 29-11-1998 176 Kb. 12
Info-Zip UNZIP v5.4 UnZip utility. Info-ZIP's
purpose is to provide free, portable, high-quali
ty versions of the Zip and UnZip compressor-arch
iver utilities that are compatible with the
DOS-based PKZIP by PKWARE, Inc.  
140 unz540x1.exe 18-01-1999 215 Kb. 21
Info-Zip UNZIP v5.4 UnZip utility. (16-bit execu
tables?) Info-ZIP's purpose is to provide free,
portable, high-quality versions of the Zip and
UnZip compressor-archiver utilities that are
compatible with the DOS-based PKZIP by PKWARE,

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