File index of OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities page 16

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
151 unzip540.exe 09-02-1999 440 Kb. 11
Info-ZIP unzip 5.40 unarchiver (exe). 
152 28-11-1998 1018 Kb. 6
Info-ZIP unzip 5.40 unarchiver (source). 
153 03-05-2000 467 Kb. 5
Info-ZIP unzip 5.41 as an exe self extraction
file (April 2000). 
154 18-06-1995 71 Kb. 6
UnZip Shell Version 1.2.  OS/2 PM Application
Expertly crafted PM front end for ZIP files. 
155 23-01-1993 244 Kb. 7
InfoZip unzip code (portable).  (requires UNZ50X
32 to unzip) 
156 07-08-1993 12 Kb. 8
Front end for UNZIP to allow use of wildcards
in the zip name. This version now allows file
names to be extracted to be put on cmd line. 
157 07-01-1993 9 Kb. 7
Archive utility front-end, requires VREXX. 
158 19-02-2000 897 Kb. 7
WarpZip v2.4. Take the work out of downloading
software. WarpZip will handle the details from
the first click in your browser to the archives'
final resting place. 
159 29-04-2001 780 Kb. 7
The WarpIN Script Creator - A guide to configure
wpi formatted scripts files(Dec. 1999) 
160 29-11-1992 18 Kb. 7
Workplace Shell ZIP File Viewer.  DLL installs
into WPS as new object class--view contents,
read READMEs.  Version 0.01.  

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