File index of OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities page 16

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
151 unzip540.exe 09-02-1999 440 Kb. 19
Info-ZIP unzip 5.40 unarchiver (exe). 
152 28-11-1998 1018 Kb. 9
Info-ZIP unzip 5.40 unarchiver (source). 
153 03-05-2000 467 Kb. 8
Info-ZIP unzip 5.41 as an exe self extraction
file (April 2000). 
154 18-06-1995 71 Kb. 9
UnZip Shell Version 1.2.  OS/2 PM Application
Expertly crafted PM front end for ZIP files. 
155 23-01-1993 244 Kb. 12
InfoZip unzip code (portable).  (requires UNZ50X
32 to unzip) 
156 07-08-1993 12 Kb. 13
Front end for UNZIP to allow use of wildcards
in the zip name. This version now allows file
names to be extracted to be put on cmd line. 
157 07-01-1993 9 Kb. 11
Archive utility front-end, requires VREXX. 
158 19-02-2000 897 Kb. 12
WarpZip v2.4. Take the work out of downloading
software. WarpZip will handle the details from
the first click in your browser to the archives'
final resting place. 
159 29-04-2001 780 Kb. 12
The WarpIN Script Creator - A guide to configure
wpi formatted scripts files(Dec. 1999) 
160 29-11-1992 18 Kb. 11
Workplace Shell ZIP File Viewer.  DLL installs
into WPS as new object class--view contents,
read READMEs.  Version 0.01.  

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