File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 13

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
121 08-10-1993 10 Kb. 15
Lens v0.9: an OS/2 magnifying glass, magnifies
an area around the mouse cursor from 0.5 to
40 times. Can be made to stay on top even when
not active, to display the position of the mouse
cursor, to disable its title and menu bars,
122 08-03-1998 62 Kb. 13
Open 2.01 - Opens objects from the command line. 
123 29-10-1999 79 Kb. 11
Easy-to-use PM program to restore lost desktop
objects. All standard WPS desktop objects from
INI.RC and most standard MMOS2 objects can be
recreated while any current settings will be
preserved. Freeware. 
124 28-09-1992 4 Kb. 15
Deskpic screen saver - the OS/2 Champagne Bubble
s from the OS/2 2.0 logo bounce around your
125 28-09-1992 4 Kb. 14
Deskpic screen saver - little OS/2 logos bounce
around your screen. 
126 16-04-1996 8 Kb. 13
PASSWORD PACKAGE 1.1  Designed for single-system
, multi-user environments.  Establishes an "open
" DeskTop giving password protected access to
multiple WorkAreas or "pseudo-DeskTops". 
127 06-08-1999 1403 Kb. 14
Program Commander/2, PC/2, v2.10 GA. Become
more productive using and maintaining your OS/2
based workplace because- PC/2 is a tool for
OS/2 Warp Clients, Program Launcher as WPS enhan
cement or replacement, and more. 
128 08-12-1999 862 Kb. 15
PC/2, or Program Commander/2 beta v2.19c. 
129 03-04-1996 60 Kb. 12
PageMage v0.40b, virtual desktop util. 
130 16-05-2002 123 Kb. 11
An object class of the WPS which will inherent
most of the attributes of the WPFolder class.
Source is included(May, 11th 1998) 

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