File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 14

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
131 03-11-1992 11 Kb. 15
Screen grabber for OS/2 v2.0.  A viewer is inclu
ded for viewing the BMP files created.  Can
capture whole screen or a window. 
132 07-05-1991 336 Kb. 13
Demonstration version of PM Assistant - A PM
Automation and Customization tool 
133 10-09-1997 69 Kb. 15
Prompt is a 32bit program that makes the system
prompt you every time you do a drag and drop
- so YOU decide on the action!  
134 07-09-1994 325 Kb. 13
PMRODENT ver 1.0, PM application for changing
the OS/2 pointers and cursors. Fully Functional
Shareware, 8 dollar registration. 
135 05-01-1994 21 Kb. 13
PMVDesk virtual desktop screen manager 
136 17-01-1994 91 Kb. 14
Screen saver 1.1 module. This is my first module
designed for the OS/2 screen saver "ScreenSaver"
by Siegfried Hanisch. Tested under version 1.1
137 19-05-1999 27 Kb. 15
PopUp v01.05.99. Small WPS extention for make
possible cut and paste actions for all entry
fields controls via mouse (like Windows).  
138 03-07-1999 27 Kb. 14
Entryfield PopUp menu for cut and paste without
139 21-06-1994 355 Kb. 13
Zipped 1.44MB Install Diskette of "PrntScrn
Working Model", courtesy of MITNOR Software.
Includes operational Screen Saver and working
model version of Screen Capture & Screen Printin
g Features. 
140 27-01-1997 64 Kb. 14
Prompt! is a small WPS program (no executable
 files) that prompts you any time you drag and
 drop an object to another folder. Saves time! 

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