File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 12

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
111 19-07-2000 165 Kb. 14
( Update for Nice
OS/2 Enhancer from version 4.0 to version 4.1. 
112 19-07-2000 315 Kb. 13
(  The source code of Nice
OS/2 Enhancer.  
113 19-07-2000 818 Kb. 14
(  The well-known Enhancer
for our system.   
114 npsbutn.bmp 28-03-1996 0 Kb. 24
Quick exit button for NPSWPS.  Better than the
traditional "X" because it keeps OS/2 different
and on a higher level than other operating syste
115 13-03-1996 12 Kb. 14
NPS WPS Enhancer - Italian version files. 
116 13-11-1995 96 Kb. 15
NPS WPS Enhancer v1.81 Translated to Spanish.
Este programa permite usar mas de 20 unciones
que mejoran la interfaz grafica el OS/2, como
nuevas animaciones para as ventanas, efecto
de "sombra" en el esktop, botones para cerrar
117 25-10-1995 23 Kb. 12
3 window animation DLLs for NPS WPS Enhancer
version 1.81 or later.  Freeware. 
118 01-10-1996 98 Kb. 13
NPS WPS Enhancer v1.82 - WPS Enhancer allows
you to use more than 20 functions which enhance
OS/2, such as nice window animations, window
shadows, "close" buttons, automatic mouse moveme
nt, and more. 
119 05-03-1992 24 Kb. 12
Mouse Odometer Version 1.00. Tracks the distance
moved by your mouse pointer and displays the
total and session distances. 
120 31-07-1998 1 Kb. 13
OF v98.212 Opens a WPS folder for the directory
you specify (icon view of current directory
is the default). This is handy when you are
in a command prompt and wish to quickly access
WPS features.  

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