File index of OS2SWBBS: WPS & PM Utilities page 11

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 27-06-1996 60 Kb. 14
Package of Merlin Desktop.  You can unpackage
onto OS/2 3.0 (or 2.11) and get the Merlin setup
early. Requires Object Desktop 1.5.  
102 17-01-1996 13 Kb. 15
Minall, minimize all windows on the desktop. 
103 02-02-1997 165 Kb. 13
Easily create program objects. 
104 02-09-1997 4 Kb. 12
Make WPS object via command line or association 
105 29-09-1995 410 Kb. 14
Convert Windows .GRP objects to equivalents
on WPS/PM. 
106 12-11-1997 137 Kb. 13
MsgScreen 1.0 displays short messages on the
screen during user absence. 
107 24-05-2003 3624 Kb. 13
MultiDesk - The source code of a multi-user
and multi.desktop extension for OS/2. It is
coded in C/EMX and REXX/DrDialog for the adminis
tration program(Nov 7 2002) 
108 17-07-1999 49 Kb. 13
Dialog Enhancer '99, Optional Dialog Enhancer
boot logo, v1.0 International, created by Edward
S. Hasicka. 
109 18-10-1997 17 Kb. 14
NewObject will allow you to register, replace
or remove a class with the WPS. 
110 31-08-1996 548 Kb. 14
NFNF is a 32bit add on for OS/2 Warp or OS/2
4.0.  It adds new and exciting functionality
to your OS/2 Desktop!  

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