File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 13-04-1992 228 Kb. 7
OS/2 drivers for ATI VGA Wonder XL. Written
 for 1.3, they work superbly with 2.0. 
62 01-12-1991 80 Kb. 9
ATI VGAWonder PM 1.3 800x600x16c driver dated
11/24/91 (works with 2.0 6.167 but with some
limitations) Not from ATI - from an independent
programmer in France. Freeware. 
63 20-03-1999 1684 Kb. 9
ATI Rage Pro Display drivers for OS/2 - v5.35b6. 
64 atiset01.dsk 19-12-1993 1371 Kb. 168
VGA P60D Video setup for OS/2. 
65 11-04-1995 1202 Kb. 8
Avance OS/2 Drivers for ALG-2228 & ALG-2308
95/04. OS/2 drivers for SVGA accelerator cards
ALG-2228 & ALG-2301. Originally called WARP14.ZI
66 avc_xga.dsk 09-03-1994 261 Kb. 133
AVC XGA device drivers for OS/2 
67 26-04-1993 292 Kb. 8
04/26/93 Version of IBM 8514A beta driver. This
version seems to fix the corrupt fonts problem.
8514 Seamless supp. OS/2 2.1. Use only w/ March
68 baliwarp.exe 01-08-1996 804 Kb. 18
Drivers for Bali 32 Paradise - Os/2 Warp...
800 x 600 and others...  
69 09-04-1996 230 Kb. 8
Matrox Millenium BIOS update 2.0. 
70 bios_104.exe 29-08-1999 836 Kb. 15
Matrox Setup and Utilities Rev 1.04 Supports
G200 and G400 series. 

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