File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 8

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
71 bios_109.exe 05-07-2000 901 Kb. 19
Matrox Setup and Utilities Rev 1.09. Supports
G200 and G400 series. 
72 08-08-1990 60 Kb. 11
800x600x16 drivers for PM 1.2, Boca VGA002 and
Genoa 6400 VGA cards. 
73 25-01-2002 212 Kb. 9
A BTTV - BT8X8 driver for TV-Cards as test versi
on(Jan., 23th 2002) see:http://
74 26-10-1992 11 Kb. 7
BVHSVGA driver for Trident TVGA Series. Supports
Hi-Color. This file (BVHSVGA.DLL) should replace
old \OS2\DLL\BVHSVGA.DLL. Works under 32-bit
75 20-08-1993 1135 Kb. 8
OS/2 2.1 display drivers for Spider BlackWidow
76 29-12-1993 1108 Kb. 9
Spider Black Widow Display drivers for OS/2
77 18-07-1994 787 Kb. 9
Latest Drivers for the Spider Graphics Black
Widow+ Video Board. 
78 c& 24-11-1994 717 Kb. 9
Chips & Tech. Video Drivers OS/2 Warp. For Chips
ets found in the NEC READY, VERSA, and some
POWERMATES. Should work for any CHIPS Video
chipset using the $Wingine (Windows 3.1 Video
79 07-08-1995 790 Kb. 9
Cirrus CL-GD7543 OS/2 SVGA Video Driver 95/08/07
. Works on Dell Latitude XPi w/ dualscan LCD.
Use 640x480x256 mode. Follow README file instruc
tions. Might have to reinstall SVGA applications
, such as the OS/2 Bonus Pack Multimedia Viewer. 
80 09-10-1996 1248 Kb. 8
Chips&Tech. SVGA display drivers (for various
notebooks)Tech. SVGA display drivers (for variou
s notebooks). 

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