File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 10-09-1992 227 Kb. 9
ATI VGAWonder PM 1.3 drivers vsn. 1.1. Drivers
work with 2.0 and support 800x600x16 and 1024x76
8x16. Seems to have solved problem with frequent
WPS lockups. Drivers dated mid-July but this
was just posted on ATI's BBS on 9/10/92. 
52 28-05-1992 218 Kb. 10
ATI Wonder 256-color PM drivers 800x600x256
and 1024x768x256 Author: Joel Armengaud 
53 08-10-1993 653 Kb. 7
32-bit Device Driver for OS2 v2.1 for ATI mach8/
32 products - v1.1 
54 05-06-1996 1015 Kb. 10
ATI Mach64 drivers. 
55 27-02-1997 1088 Kb. 10
ATI Mach64 drivers (including 3D Rage chips). 
56 24-05-1999 1684 Kb. 7
ATI Mach 64 BETA v5 video drivers. 
57 12-05-1994 914 Kb. 10
ATI OS/2 Mach32/Mach8 drivers v2.3 dated May
1994. Support for True colors. Includes LOADER. 
58 18-08-1994 269 Kb. 9
Setup utilities for the ATI Graphics Xpression
video card. 
59 19-07-1995 2437 Kb. 8
This .zip file contains two zipped files of
the ATI mach 32 drivers (v 2.6), corresponding
to the two 3.5in floppies on which ATI distribut
es the drivers. 
60 14-05-1991 88 Kb. 10
VGA Wonder driver from ATI, replaces os2pmvga.zi
p. Claims V1.2 support, internally dated 1/90
and 5/91. 

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