File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 22

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
211 05-08-1997 1335 Kb. 8
OS/2 video drivers for NeoMagic NM2160/2097/2093
chip, as used in Micron XKE laptop.  V3.3, 08059
7.  1024x768x65k !  
212 10-05-1994 1387 Kb. 8
Drivers for #9 GXE graphics boards. 
213 24-06-1993 1833 Kb. 8
Number Nine GXE Display Drivers for OS/2 2.x. 
214 19-07-1999 937 Kb. 11
(NVIDIA0S2.ZIP) OS/2 Driver for RIVA TNT. Compat
ible with all RIVA TNT2, NVIDIA Vanta and RIVA
TNT-based products. 
215 24-05-1993 451 Kb. 9
OS/2 2.x Cirrus GD6420 (Active Matrix Color
LCD) driver (640x480 - 1024x768) and winos2
256 color modes - works on my TI 4000E 
216 oakos2.exe 10-02-1994 659 Kb. 16
OS/2 drivers for the OAK SVGA cards. Self extrac
ting to diskette. (Disk Express diskette image) 
217 07-12-1994 872 Kb. 8
Trident OS/2 Display Driver (version TA01.03)
Beta  Release - December 1994, Although they
are older than the files in OS2_9440.ZIP they
cause less problems for me than the latest drive
218 31-12-2000 1033 Kb. 8
The hardware accelerated Mesa GL dll for 3dfx
Voodoo(1+2) cards with OPENGL32.DLL as part
of the ODIN project( 
219 30-05-1991 122 Kb. 8
Orchid Pro Designer II drivers for PM; 800x600
modes on Pro /e, Pro II and Pro IIs. 
220 30-05-1991 312 Kb. 10
Orchid Pro Designer II PM drivers; 1024x768x16
on Pro/e, Pro II, and Pro IIs. 

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