File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 21

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
201 06-06-2002 524 Kb. 8
The Mutech M-Vision 1000 video driver v2.23
as PCI Frame Bus Grabber for WIN-OS2. See: http:
202 mx_10212.exe 17-03-1998 1187 Kb. 16
S3 Virge/MX (M3 / M5) - v1.02.12 displaydriver
for OS/2 Warp 3.x / 4.x. This driver is from
Toshiba Germany for the Tecra 750 and Tecra
540 Series. 
203 mx_10311.exe 17-03-1998 1120 Kb. 15
S3 Virge/MX Chipset - v1.03.11 displaydriver
for OS/2 Warp 3.x / 4.x. This driver supports
the Toshiba Tecra 750 and Tecra 540 Series and
should also work with other Notebooks with the
Virge/MX chipset. 
204 27-03-1996 1074 Kb. 10
IBM PC 300/700: S3 864/868 video driver for
OS/2 1 of 2. 
205 27-03-1996 1396 Kb. 8
IBM PC 300/700: S3 864/868 video driver for
OS/2 2 of 2. 
206 12-04-1993 593 Kb. 9
OS/2 2.x display drivers for NCR77C22E chipset 
207 02-05-1994 990 Kb. 9
Video drivers for NCR chip sets that really
work with 2.11 -- downloaded from NCR bbs and
tested on a Zeos. 
208 19-01-1994 122 Kb. 9
Latest NCR chip set SoftSet program to use with
(but not needed for) OS/2 -- downloaded from
NCR bbs and tested on a Zeos. 
209 11-10-1993 1017 Kb. 10
NCR 77C22/77C22e video drivers for OS/2 2.1.
This is the first general release of the NCR
video drivers.  They appear to be quite stable,
but very slow.  Supports 800x600 and 1024x768
at up to 256 colors.  Set diskette label to
210 17-07-2003 1054 Kb. 9
The NeoMagic OS/2 v3.0/4.0 SBCS display driver.
The options for WIN-OS/2 are included(Apr 12

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