File index of OS2SWBBS: Video Device Drivers & Info page 23

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
221 31-08-1993 1260 Kb. 7
OS/2 2.1 drivers for Sprider Graphics Inc. SVGA,
VLB Card w/ 1 or 2MB ram using the CL542x chipse
222 os2-v31.exe 10-03-1997 1334 Kb. 13
Mach64 Drivers Version 3.1 from ATI For OS/2
223 09-03-1994 480 Kb. 8
This is an SVGA driver for Trident 8900 display
adapter.  It was downloaded from their BBS.
 It fixes a DOS full screen error. 
224 05-07-1994 872 Kb. 7
Viper VLB OS/2 v2.1 Drivers v1.02 - Support
for both 1meg and 2meg 
225 14-10-1998 1062 Kb. 9
S3 ViRGE video driver, v1.03.13. 
226 os214b.exe 26-09-1994 756 Kb. 14
Hercules Dynamite ET4000/w32 i.p drivers for
OS/2 2.1/2.11 which now support 1280x1024x256. 
227 27-10-1993 1017 Kb. 8
NCR High Resolution Video drivers for OS/2 2.1. 
228 04-04-1997 3413 Kb. 9
32-bit drivers for S3 chips, v3.03.07 (for 864/9
64, 868/968, 732, 764, 765, 775/785). 
229 01-10-1993 652 Kb. 8
ATI 32-Bit accelerator drivers for Mach/8 and
Mach-32 cards.  OFFICIAL RELEASE (not BETA) 
230 18-12-1996 1250 Kb. 8
Chips Video Drivers for 65548, 65546, or 65545

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