File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 51

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
501 09-05-1992 21 Kb. 4
MemStat Version 2.02. A utility for displaying
the amount of available memory, the size of
the swap file, and the free space on the swap
drive in a PM window. This is a minor upgrade
to Version 2.01, fixing a couple of bugs. 
502 28-04-1992 13 Kb. 2
OS/2, BIOS memory available tool 
503 08-06-1992 5 Kb. 3
Tests for >16MB capability (RAM must be installe
d) Tests for available RAM. Should report >15MB
(+1MB DOS RAM) if OS/2 can use >16MB on machine.
DOS app. Must be run from a vanilla DOS boot.
Includes source. 
504 29-06-1993 34 Kb. 4
MemStat Version 2.07 is a utility program to
display the available memory, swap file size
and swap disk free space under OS/2 Version
2.x. MemStat offers a configurable display and
the ability to accept fonts and colours dropped
onto it. 
505 11-07-2000 847 Kb. 3
MEMSIZE v4.00 beta shows under Warp 4 (with
FP 13) System Resources (July 8th, 2000) 
506 08-04-1988 9 Kb. 4
Show Graphic look at memory 
507 26-11-1991 15 Kb. 5
Memory Status Utilities for OS/2 1.x and 2.x.
Displays the current available memory and swap
file size. Very useful utilities for monitoring
what is happening to your system during normal
use. Great also for testing. Freeware. 
508 15-05-1997 623 Kb. 2
System Resources v3.31 (Rick Papo, 15 May 1997,
Free).  A simple utility for monitoring system
activity and resources.  Source included. 
509 29-03-1999 119 Kb. 4
Memory Watcher v1.2.00 shows the system memory
changes graphically.  
510 01-01-1993 50 Kb. 4
Mod of cdd.sys to allow for a menu at at boot
up instead of cmd.exe plus security. 

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