File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 52

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
511 01-05-1991 15 Kb. 3
Combines two program files and produces a merged
file with differences bracketed by conditional
compilation directives. Supports C, Pascal and
512 26-01-1991 6 Kb. 3
PM background pop-up message utility 
513 14-06-1990 4 Kb. 3
Sample metafile generator from PC MAG 
514 26-02-2000 115 Kb. 3
Small PM INI editor for binary OS/2 INIs and
Windows ASCII INIs with treeview, edit, view
(ASCII, HEX), delete and Rexx code exporter. 
515 02-08-1991 2 Kb. 3
Minimize/maximize from cmd line 
516 28-10-1992 35 Kb. 3
Launch programs with hot-keys. Keys used are
Shift-Alt-X/Shift-Ctrl-X x:0-9,A-Z Executable
included as well as Source. 32 bit PM program.
Update includes hot-key to close OS/2 like shutD
own, better doc and usage instructions. 
517 05-09-1992 25 Kb. 3
Replacement for Executables and
source for prog that hooks keyboard and activate
s programs as assigned in a data file.Uses Alt-0
.Alt-9 Ctrl-0.Ctrl9 
518 mkpath.lzh 23-10-1992 17 Kb. 50
Makepath; will create an entire subdir chain
in one command; e.g., if d:\files does not exist
, will create d:\files\os2files\newgames\ with
one command. 
519 19-01-1992 28 Kb. 3
Generate prototypes for functions in C files 
520 29-09-1995 410 Kb. 3
MKWINOS/2 - Merge Program Manager to OS/2 Deskto
p. Commercial OS/2 program that creates equivale
nt of Windows Program Manager object as an OS/2
Desktop folder named "Program Manager Desktop

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