File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 26

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
251 17-08-1992 20 Kb. 9
IBM EWS. Simple OS2.INI/OS2SYS.INI editor. 
252 07-02-2000 19 Kb. 11
Egg Timer/2 does what it says. It counts down
for a certain time, then completes one or more
actions, eg beep, play a system sound in the
background, execute a program, and/or pop up
a reminder message. 
253 11-06-1988 4 Kb. 9
Numbers all functions exported from OS/2 DLL.
Revised version of ENUMPROC.ARC -- fixes some
bugs in ENUMPROC.C. This code enumerates all
the functions exported from an OS/2 dynamic
link library, without using EXEHDR. 
254 28-05-1990 11 Kb. 10
Shows environment variables. FAPI for both OS/2
and DOS 
255 09-12-1993 21 Kb. 6
Environment Variables Editor. ENVED is an OS/2
full screen or windowed command prompt program
that provides an editor for the current process
environment variables. 
256 15-10-1990 29 Kb. 9
OS/2 Environment Editor. 
257 06-05-1995 65 Kb. 8
Return an errorlevel = minute/hour/day/week/year
258 31-12-1994 34 Kb. 10
Expert 2000 Fonts CD-ROM Preregistration. Pre-re
gistered libraries for FontFolder to use with
the Expert 2000 Fantastic Fonts CD-ROM. This
is the corrected version. 
259 13-03-1989 19 Kb. 8
Extract resources from EXE files. Bound utility
to extract resources from new Exe-files. Can
be used to extract e.g. Cursors, Icons and Fonts
from Windows and PM - applications. 
260 15-07-2002 18 Kb. 6
EXEHMS v1.01 - The Segmented-EXE Header Utility
(Mar 5 1999) 

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