File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 25

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
241 dsts180.txt 06-04-2000 1 Kb. 67
DSTswitch v1.80 description. Takes control over
daylight saving time clock changes. 
242 06-04-2000 779 Kb. 8
DSTswitch v1.80. Takes control over daylight
saving time clock changes. It reads and interpre
ts the TZ environment variable in order to obtai
n all the necessary dates for putting the clock
back and forward respectively. 
243 21-02-2000 10 Kb. 9
A Program to dump the OS/2 user profile informat
244 20-10-1993 41 Kb. 8
Utility to monitor the amount of remaining disk
space. If the amount of available space falls
below a specified minimum the operator is alerte
d through an alarm. 
245 30-11-1989 15 Kb. 8
Show info about OS/2 .EXE files 
246 dyltswch.lzh 06-04-1995 18 Kb. 78
A daemon to switch the TOD clock in and out
of daylight saving automatically. Needs PL/I
run-time library. Freeware u/l by author.  
247 11-03-1996 687 Kb. 10
Drop Zone v1.40 keeps all of the most common
tasks in one place, as well as many original
& performance utilities. Limited Function. 
248 04-11-1994 104 Kb. 10
Version 2.03 of a utility that backs up and
restores OS/2 extended attributes (EAs). EAs
in a directory and its subdirectories can be
backed up to a file on a floppy or hard drive. 
249 14-10-1997 305 Kb. 10
Install OS/2 Fixpacks from your local harddisk
250 15-02-1988 25 Kb. 8
OS/2 Add/Del path/dpath information. 

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