File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 27

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
261 07-08-2002 18 Kb. 10
The Segmented-EXE Header Utility (Mar 5 1999) 
262 05-02-1990 10 Kb. 9
Like MARKEXE and WINABLE. ET's key feature is
that it can MODIFY (or "tweak") the EXE headers
to change the bit that indicates to the OS/2
program loader whether the program is a PM progr
am, full-screen only, or windowable. 
263 ez-swap.lzh 18-07-1993 242 Kb. 107
PM util to monitor Swap file size - no CPU overh
ead. (RTL included). 
264 08-01-1991 15 Kb. 7
Multi-threaded, single pass disk image copying
program with verification and optional formating
. The progress is updated even when iconized. 
265 24-08-1995 24 Kb. 9
Record all arguments to send any program. 
266 08-06-1990 5 Kb. 6
Screen Magnifier for OS/2 PM. Bug fix update.
Fixed problem where FATBITS went nuts when switc
hed to with the Task Manager. 
267 21-12-1994 34 Kb. 8
FAT Optimizer Beta 2. Optimizes FAT drives by
defragmenting files & compressing freespaces.
This second beta corrects problem where DOS
boot partitions were SYSed because FATOpt put
directory entries in root ahead of IO.SYS &
268 29-05-1999 634 Kb. 10
FinkBar. Similar to the TinkBar, the FinkBar
is an "all version" Lotus Word Pro add-on tool
bar. It supplies icons that will run scripts
to perform the functions offered by the bar 
269 12-10-1995 8 Kb. 9
OS/2 PM Program to convert Farenheit/Celcius
270 19-02-1996 43 Kb. 9
Extended File Dialogs V2.1 for ENFIN 4.1. List
with often used dir's; preview mode to display
1st lines & file attributes; create Dir's direct
ly from SaveAs Dialog; quick access to last
loaded files directly from ENFIN-Desktop-Menu. 

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