File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 24

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
231 30-08-1989 20 Kb. 9
A quick method of moving down subdirectories 
232 01-05-1993 11 Kb. 8
Drive Geometry v7.395+e06 -- This program will
return the number of Cylinders, Heads and Sector
s Per Track for a Partionable drive. 
233 03-11-1995 3400 Kb. 9
Just Add OS/2 Warp Kit. Allows users of any
platform, including Windows 95, PC-DOS with
Windows 3.1, and versions of OS/2, a quick and
easy look at whether their hardware is compatibl
e with OS/2 Warp. [a.k.a. Win 95 Disaster Recove
ry Kit.] 
234 26-01-2000 281 Kb. 8
Skins for PillarSoft's Data Shield. http://www.p 
235 31-05-1991 8 Kb. 9
OS/2 directory space analyzer 
236 dskarc13.lzh 14-07-1992 38 Kb. 81
DisketteArchive v1.3, archives and copies disket
tes, saves compressed images into a file. Sharew
237 04-09-1994 122 Kb. 9
Disk Pct 2.0, PM graphical disk monitor. It
shows  disk  used as a pie chart. Warning availa
ble if disk exceeds threshold. Details by double
clicking on pie chart. 
238 dskst101.lzh 26-08-1992 27 Kb. 103
DiskStat 1.01, PM disk space monitor from Oberon
Software (recently reviewed in Computer Shopper)
239 dskst102.lzh 22-12-1992 32 Kb. 84
32-bit version of Oberon Software's DiskStat
 Hard drive usage, swap file activity monitor.
Version 1.02 
240 04-10-1996 2 Kb. 8
Adjust Clock for Daylight Savings Time. Prog
will load and wait until 2AM on October 27th
to reset the time back to 1AM.  A program is
included to add this to the startup folder. 

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