File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 23

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
221 31-12-1999 9 Kb. 10
3 command line disk utilities- treegone to remov
e directory trees opentree to open an icon view
of a directory, and chd to change directories
and/or drives. 
222 11-07-1991 1 Kb. 11
Device driver for use with Mod 95 that shows
hard disk access via the control panel.  
223 25-08-1989 15 Kb. 9
Directory lister DOS - OS/2 
224 01-11-1990 6 Kb. 8
OS/2 Command line MOVE command. 
225 05-09-1995 95 Kb. 9
utility for manipulating the config.sys It's
easy to 'program' your applications and settings
for the config.sys  
226 02-05-2003 22 Kb. 9
DOSCALL.EXE as OS/2 version. Source in C is
included(Oct 15 2000) 
227 09-07-1991 6 Kb. 8
Sample code showing how to get DOS.SYS to issue
a DOS session command from an OS/2 session.
Includes source and the .EXE. The only documenta
tion is the source code itself. The program
passes command line args to DOS.SYS for executio
228 31-05-1994 2 Kb. 11
This tiny program can be included in .cmd files
to cause the process to 'sleep'. Sleep time
is in 1/1000 secs. Source included.  
229 10-07-1991 2 Kb. 10
Run Dos APP from PM programs. Change to DOSSYS.C
by Peter Fitzsimmons to insure that you return
from DOS to your PM application. Source is progr
am fragment for a PM application. 
230 12-09-1990 4 Kb. 10
Launching Real Mode Pgms from Prot Mode OS/2.
How to call a DOS program from protected mode
in OS/2 1.2. The solution to the great DOS.SYS

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