Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
201 | delay.lzh | 14-07-1991 | 17 Kb. | 114 | Misc .CMD file timing functions. |
202 | | 20-06-1991 | 8 Kb. | 9 | A simple command line utility to delay for a specified number of milliseconds. The C source code using the OS/2 DosSleep call is provided. |
203 | | 10-10-1998 | 13 Kb. | 11 | Delay v1.1. Utility to delay execution until a specified time or window, or for a specified duration. Executes under both DOS and OS/2. |
204 | | 27-02-1992 | 19 Kb. | 9 | Delay is a bound (OS/2-DOS) executable that provides crude timing and testing functions for .CMD/.BAT files. Includes source. |
205 | | 08-08-1993 | 7 Kb. | 8 | DELAY is a simple device driver that does nothin g except wait for a specified time when it initi alises; it can also display an optional message. It is intended to give time to read the output as the system loads. |
206 | | 21-03-1993 | 2 Kb. | 9 | OS/2 command-line utility to delete files by dates. Before, after or between specified dates. |
207 | delpth11.lzh | 01-06-1992 | 10 Kb. | 105 | OS/2 command line utility to delete an entire directory path or drive. This is a replacement for DELPTH10.LZH which was defective. |
208 | | 01-01-1996 | 24 Kb. | 9 | Delta Time for Automated Project 96/01/0. This utility will determine the time needed to build a project. A handy utility, especially when product ship date is critical. Full help include d. |
209 | | 05-05-1992 | 1 Kb. | 9 | Deny None. If you are experiencing a lot of sharing errors in DOS windows, this small (69 byte) TSR may help. |
210 | | 02-10-1993 | 32 Kb. | 11 | Another port of the unix utility df. Works with FAT, HPFS, LAN, NFS and CDROM drives and can handle disk sizes up to 4 Terabyte. Developed with emx-0.8g and needs the emx DLLs. Includes exe, the C++-source, DMAKE makefile and docs. |