File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 20

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
191 29-12-1999 172 Kb. 8
Beat for DSTswitch is a Swatch Beat calculator
AddOn for DSTswitch. It's the only one observing
daylight saving time. 
192 11-09-1990 9 Kb. 10
Convert DBF files to TXT files. No documentation
. Full screen app. 
193 02-03-1993 28 Kb. 9
A utility to allow DOS 4.0, DOS 5.0, and DR
DOS to be installed as a dualboot function on
top of OS/2 2.0, and recover to OS/2 in case
something goes wrong during the DOS install. 
194 07-05-1990 45 Kb. 11
OS/2 pgm to convert PCL to DCF 
195 09-04-1994 46 Kb. 7
PM Dcopy is a powerful diskette copying utility,
utilising mutithreading and the PM user interfac
e. It allows diskettes to be copied directly
to each other, and it also permits diskettes
to be copied to image files on a hard disk. 
196 07-06-1991 8 Kb. 10
Remove Entire Subtree in one command 
197 10-07-1990 3 Kb. 10
OS/2 Error Handling Routines from DDJ 
198 11-02-1994 39 Kb. 10
Detect & Execute allows you to detect whether
an application is running (exists in the PID
list) or dead, If not found, DE will start it
over again. 
199 27-03-1994 50 Kb. 9
Detect & Execute v1.04 (Detect & run DEAD Progra
m, good for BBS's)  
200 28-05-1993 71 Kb. 9
Encode/decode binary files into printable files 

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