File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 12

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
111 16-02-1995 187 Kb. 10
OS/2 Warp Configuration Manager 95/02/16. Automa
tically managers the .SCR & CMD files & contains
a fully functional editor with Find, Replace,
Copy, Paste & printing & so is a good tool for
editing config.sys files. Program is MS-Windows
112 20-05-1995 100 Kb. 12
Select Characters Not On Keyboard. Re-written
w/ new layout & robust codepage check, PM notebo
ok of 90+ characters that do not normally appear
on keyboard. Includes all accented & special
letters, maths & associated symbols, & more. 
113 04-08-2000 103 Kb. 11
CHARACTER MAP/2 v1.09 - Display an ascii charact
er map for a font (August, 2000) 
114 01-11-2002 41 Kb. 11
Character Table 1.1 - A PM tool that shows the
signs of the current font with its code(1993) 
115 24-01-1995 17 Kb. 10
Check Title, Find & Fixes Name/Long Errors 95/01
. OS/2 has a bug in both FAT & HPFS filing syste
ms. If work with command line & WPS can have
duplicated titles & inconsistent long/real names
. Visual tool to find & fix such discrepancies. 
116 25-06-1996 140 Kb. 9
News Expiration Program for OS/2 Warp. 
117 19-01-1996 303 Kb. 9
CHG_CTLS [V2.1A]- OS/2 Customizer A utility
to replace the default os/2 controls  
118 10-01-1994 10 Kb. 10
Change that window. chgw.exe will toggle an
OS/2 text window between 24 and 53 line mode.
Great for those long dir listings. 
119 14-11-1988 30 Kb. 11
Check for harmful ANSI sequences in text files. 
120 12-10-1994 27 Kb. 9
Unsupported utility CHK4DLLS. Checks if all
other DLLs required by a given DLL (e.g., an
OpenDoc part) are accessible. Not supported,
just helps me to support folks using OD Framewor
k. Unzips into CHK4DLLS.EXE. Syntax is CHK4DLLS

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