File index of OS2SWBBS: Utility Programs page 11

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 06-05-1995 11 Kb. 10
Capture.exe is an os/2 text mode program for
os/2 version 2.0+ that copies an image of the
session screen to standard output 
102 27-08-1992 117 Kb. 10
The "Carlsberg Tools". A date/time monitor,
swap dataset size monitor, and disk freespace
size monitor. 
103 06-11-1992 4 Kb. 11
OS/2 device driver which waits at init for ESC
key. If pushed, cmd.exe is loaded and you can
do any copies on LIBPATH or OS2.INI or other
stuff where you want no PM. Also see how to
write OS/2 DD's in C. From OS/2 Users Group
in England. 
104 28-01-1993 1 Kb. 10
OS/2 replacement for cdd.sys that works with
all OS/2 versions including the 2.1 BETA. OS/2
device driver which waits at init for ESC key.
If pushed, cmd.exe is loaded and you can do
any copies on LIBPATH or OS2.INI etc with no
105 01-06-1997 17 Kb. 10
Program to open or close (empty) CD-ROM (source
106 09-09-1996 404 Kb. 9
This program is used to swap between multiple
CONFIG's on an OS/2 Warp machine.This program
MUST be installed on an HPFS drive. 
107 05-10-1992 56 Kb. 9
BETA #1 of a PM Config.Sys editor. Allows checki
ng of individual statements, easy changing of
statements, automatic config.sys backup, easy
REM and unREM facility. Not all statements suppo
rted yet. 
108 14-09-1992 164 Kb. 10
CfgEd v1.0b beta - PM config.sys file editor;
includes source 
109 23-01-2000 157 Kb. 8  Config.sys Data Base Manager. 
110 11-10-1998 188 Kb. 9
ConfigInfo 7 - CONFIG.SYS editor w/tips & info
for each statement. 

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