File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 50

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
491 21-05-1994 22 Kb. 10
Superclassed Control and Focus Handler Demo.
An example of using one window procedure for
multiple controls. Demonstrates handling focus,
super-classing standard controls, etc. all in
compliance with PM documentation. 
492 23-08-1993 2 Kb. 10
Font Dialog Box: FONTDLG.C designs a sample
font dialog box layout. 
493 08-06-1994 33 Kb. 9
SAMPLE Formatted EntryField User Control. A
formatted EntryField with several options and
data types. This sample includes source. 
494 17-05-1995 24 Kb. 10
Tools to allow the user of a C program to enter
mathematical functions and to evaluate them
very rapidly. 
495 22-05-1994 81 Kb. 10
A 32bit FORTH for OS/2 with FULL ASM source. 
496 02-02-1997 974 Kb. 10
Fortran Utilities, v.0.62. 
497 23-02-1994 360 Kb. 9
Footprints Realtime Trace Facility demo package.
The package contains a 64 thread demo program
a PM demo program (both with source), and a
realtime monitor program to set and monitor
traces in the demo programs. 
498 13-10-1998 325 Kb. 10
Free Pascal is a 32 bit pascal compiler. Availab
le for different processors and OS's. Language
syntax is semanticly compatible with TP 7.0,
some Delphi extensions are supported. Supports
function overloading and other features. v0,99
499 10-09-1998 904 Kb. 10
Free Pascal 0,99 Beta Docs in HTML Format. 
500 12-10-1998 739 Kb. 11
The Sources of the FPK Pascal compiler. The
compiler is written in pascal (i.e. it compiles
itself !). 

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