File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 51

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
501 framctl1.txt 14-09-1996 1 Kb. 77
Readme for FRAMCTL1.ZIP. 
502 01-08-1996 23 Kb. 11
Sample src for "A picture perfect control." 
503 framctl2.txt 13-10-1996 2 Kb. 43
Describes contents of framctl2.ZIP. 
504 07-10-1996 20 Kb. 8
OS/2 Magazine, GUI Corner column, "A Picture
Perfect Control - The Sequel" - November 1996
505 framctl3.txt 17-11-1996 2 Kb. 43
Describes contents of FRAMCTL3.ZIP 
506 07-10-1996 27 Kb. 8
OS/2 Magazine, GUI Corner column, "A Picture
Perfect Control - The Finale" - December 1996
issue. Compilable 32-Bit source code sample
to demonstrate writing frame control extensions
for OS/2. 
507 06-04-1995 379 Kb. 8
FreeLaunch Installer for pgms & wps. Configurabl
e installer for OS/2 programs & wps classes.
Powerful script language which compiles into
installer as resource. Supports deep nested
dir's, folders, config.sys & NOW ZIP archives. 
508 03-06-1994 23 Kb. 9
Sample program demonstrates subclassing a Frame
window to add additional frame controls. The
sample program, ToolBar, implements two menu
bars, one, a regular action bar with submenus,
and the other, an iconized "toolbar" menu. 
509 07-03-1990 51 Kb. 9
Demo of full-screen VIO graphics w/full source.
This is a somewhat primitive example of text
mode (VIO) graphics programming.  MSC 5.1 src
510 18-02-1990 1 Kb. 9
Example of settings for TJD's FLIST OS/2 

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