File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 49

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
481 findhe.txt 25-06-1994 7 Kb. 81
How to start WPS programming and Find example.
This file gives some initial steps to writing
a WPS object and also has a find code example
in C at the bottom. 
482 19-05-2002 2923 Kb. 10
Flash C++ SDK v0.7.8 with documentation and
sample. STLport is used.(Aug., 2nd 2001) 
483 24-12-1989 31 Kb. 10
An interesting GPI demo - no source. PM demo
program written entirely in Microsoft BASIC
6.0; allows the user to "fling" various bitmaps
around the client window and watch them bounce
on endlessly. 
484 01-06-1994 34 Kb. 11
Displays C numeric types to/from hex. 
485 02-02-1992 7 Kb. 10
FLOPPY 0.9 -- an update to FLOPPY.ZIP with a
couple of useful fixes.  A batch file utility
to autodetect when a floppy is changed.  Very
simplistic, with source. 
486 24-06-1997 55 Kb. 10
flower - reads C source code and writes function
call reports to stdout.  Includes C source.
487 29-12-2001 631 Kb. 10
The source of the FLTK(Fast Light ToolKit) for
graphic symbols etc. ported to OS/2(see:www.fltk
.org)- July, 21th 2001 
488 01-01-2000 297 Kb. 10
Fnorb 1.01b CORBA 2.0 ORB written in Python,
ported to OS/2. 
489 01-01-2000 192 Kb. 10
Fnorb 1.01b documentation and examples. 
490 29-01-2000 66 Kb. 11
Fnorb 1.01b sources. 

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