File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 45

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
441 13-01-1993 188 Kb. 11
INF and postcript E-Toolkit documentation 
442 30-03-1993 15 Kb. 11
EPM Toolkit - The export directory (.H files) 
443 29-12-1992 5 Kb. 11
EPM Toolkit - ESIMPLE - creates an E frame in
a window. 
444 06-12-2001 708 Kb. 11
Source of the project EVERBLUE (June, 27th 2001) 
445 everblue.exe 01-02-2000 914 Kb. 18
EverBlue (first beta), XLib-PM implementation
for OS/2 which allows you to compile Xlib (Unix/
Linux) applications as native PM applications. 
446 except.cpp 20-03-1993 4 Kb. 81
Sample program demonstrating C++ exception handl
ing.  Should work under Nov PDK, but was only
tested with later version. 
447 24-01-1994 1 Kb. 11
This is a short sample on how to handle OS/2
exceptions. This program registers an exception
handler then causes an address exception by
writing to location 0. The exception handler
gets control and writes the registers to a log
448 20-01-2002 178 Kb. 11
A sample for programming an exception handling
with LOG file output. (Source and PM API hints
included) - 1995 
449 12-04-1994 41 Kb. 11
Signal & OS/2 Exception Handlers in C Set++
04/12. INF file giving some details of how to
write an OS/2 Exception handler for use with
C Set++. Also describes use of signal handlers,
and how to have OS/2 exception handlers co-exist
450 25-06-1995 429 Kb. 9
Except, sample code for an exception handler 

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