File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 46

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
451 23-11-1994 6 Kb. 11
This is an example code and documentation for
generating and handling OS/2 exceptions in a
simplified way. It is written for C. It works
as part of a much wider environment, and has
not been tested as supplied. See READ.ME file. 
452 29-06-1993 43 Kb. 11
IBM EWS Extended Desktop class including snap
to grid, verify sort, and alignment functions. 
453 17-07-1995 61 Kb. 11
EXECDEMO.ZIP 95/07/17. Sample code demonstrating
, contrasting, & comparing use of DosStartSessio
n & WinStartApp. Isolates API calls from other
supporting code to show use as clearly as possib
le. Useful for testing settings & seeing affect. 
454 27-12-1999 37 Kb. 9
EXEHDR is a tool to analyze embedded information
in EXE and DLL files. 
455 22-06-1995 30 Kb. 13
New version of EXEHDR.exe. Updated version of
EXEHDR.exe - includes fixes for devcon7 problems
.  EXE only, no docs. 
456 16-03-2001 38 Kb. 12
A fix for the OS/2 File Header Utility used
for EXE and DLL files (Oct. 20th, 2000) 
457 exeinf.lzh 23-08-1991 105 Kb. 87
This is an INF file describing a cheap tool
to modify/examine resources in EXE/DLL files 
458 27-12-1999 22 Kb. 10
EXEINFO shows the embedded information of EXE
and DLL files. 
459 04-01-1994 22 Kb. 11
Information on executable modules (16 bit, 32
bit,even windows apps). Useful for locating
the source of trap problems. It will scan a
running system (even booted from diskette) for
the module that caused your trap, based on the
CSLIM value. 
460 06-05-1993 43 Kb. 11
EXEMAP is a EXE file mapping tool. All supported
formats of EXE files. This includes the latest
LX format for OS/2 V2.x, as well as the NE forma
t for OS/2 V1.x, Windows 3.x, and the original
DOS format. 

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