Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
431 | | 23-04-1990 | 2 Kb. | 11 | Revised version of the "OS/2 Rosetta stone" -- tiny OS/2 program presented in Forth, Lisp, and C. The Lisp code has been updated to reflec t the forthcoming OS2XLISP version 1.1. |
432 | | 27-11-1988 | 10 Kb. | 10 | Various example OS/2 PM programs from PC Magazin e |
433 | | 21-03-2003 | 21 Kb. | 11 | The SANE library for Epson flatbed (and film) scanners as source deck(Aug 16 2002) |
434 | | 11-09-1989 | 36 Kb. | 11 | OS/2 Error debugging tools: Capture unexpected OS/2 function return values. |
435 | | 12-08-1992 | 20 Kb. | 10 | An example of calling 32 bit code from Easel and using Easel DLL routines |
436 | | 09-12-1991 | 6 Kb. | 11 | The READ.ME documentation and Copyright Notice for the CM Sample programs. Samples are SNA.ZIP ACDI.ZIP SRPI.ZIP HAPI.ZIP X25.ZIP LUA.ZIP REACT .ZIP CMSTOP.ZIP PGMCFG.ZIP NETBIO.ZIP and IE3802 .ZIP. |
437 | etkbbs.pck | 26-11-1993 | 3 Kb. | 103 | OS/2 2. E Toolkit Documentation and Samples - INFO. |
438 | etkbbs.txt | 01-09-1993 | 2 Kb. | 90 | E Toolkit - the powerful editor toolkit used to build EPM, LaMail (the OS/2 TCP/IP mail handl er) and other applications. This package include s documentation and sample code for version 5.51 of the toolkit. |
439 | | 19-11-1992 | 7 Kb. | 11 | EPM Toolkit - EDIALOG - creates an E-MLE in a dialog. |
440 | | 25-09-1992 | 8 Kb. | 10 | EPM Toolkit - ESAMPDLG - call a dialog from EPM. Modal or non-modal. |