File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 43

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
421 28-09-1994 7 Kb. 11
High-Level EA Routines 94/09/28. This is a colle
ction of high level routines, written in C,
to manipulate extended attributes. 
422 11-06-1995 64 Kb. 10
Calendar DLL & Date Functions 95/06/11. Problems
creating calendar? Populating entryfield w/
a date? In any format? A calendar window allows
to send formatted date to Entry Field, ListBox
or Combo Box using ANY format. OS/2 2.x & above. 
423 edctl1.txt 10-07-1994 1 Kb. 67
Readme file for EDCTL1.ZIP 
424 06-07-1994 70 Kb. 11
Source and sample driver for the article "The
Forbidden Text" in _OS/2 Developer_ magazine
GUI column. July/August 1994 
425 30-07-1998 69 Kb. 10
Escape GL V2.2 for OS/2 Developers Toolkit updat
ed 30 July 1998. Free of charge for all Register
ed Escape GL V2 users. This toolkit will allow
you to develop modules using new features availa
ble in V2.2. 
426 02-06-1993 12 Kb. 12
UPDATE of C++ source for a MULTI COLUMN LIST
BOX class. Preserves much of the REGULAR List
Box behaviors and adds some new ones. In this
implementation most of the listbox content is
shared between the user and the ELB control. 
427 06-01-2002 2792 Kb. 11
A EMX tutorial for v0.9d to create native and
PM OS/2 applications without compiler. 
428 23-04-1988 6 Kb. 11
Article: OS/2's Multiple Video Environments.
 PC Magazine 1/12/88, Volume 7 Number 1, Environ
429 07-08-1995 8 Kb. 10
Source code and example of OpaqueMoving. 
430 23-05-1994 2 Kb. 11
Sample entryfield enhancements e.g. numeric
only. Simple samples to enhance the entry fields
. Numeric, Date, Phone and uppercase conversion 

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