File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 42

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
411 27-06-1996 1677 Kb. 11
WPS Programming in DTS C++. Utilities and files
for programming WPS SOM classes using DirectToSO
M  C++. Includes Postscript documentation and
an example. 
412 13-07-2000 492 Kb. 10
A collection of dump trace tools. 
413 10-06-2003 15 Kb. 11
The OS/2 16 Bit Mapping Layer Interface v1.0
library DUO213M.DLL(1998) 
414 03-10-1991 40 Kb. 9
Program Development PM Interface. Sits on top
 of existing compilers, linkers, debuggers,
415 06-04-1992 5 Kb. 11
MASM Sample 32 bit access code. Sample code
from a device driver to help in managing memory
under OS/2 2.0. 
416 10-10-2002 222 Kb. 11
Dynamic Hash Table in C uses Quadratic hash
processing with a 100% collision-free table
and Double Hash Tables with dynamic allocation(A
ug 11 1999) 
417 09-07-1993 1 Kb. 12
Dynamic Menu Sample. Short Sample that dynamical
ly creates a menu rather then loading it from
a resource file. Unzip the file, run nmake,
and then tmbar.exe. 
418 22-05-1996 32 Kb. 12
Extended Attribute class libraries. 
419 07-08-2002 4090 Kb. 13
The Enterprise Application Development Platform
as feature of VisualAge Smalltalk Object Extende
r Function for Release 4.5 and 5.0 (Nov 30 1999) 
420 02-02-1995 5 Kb. 11
This is a free C library intended to make manipu
lation of extended attributes easier. 

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