File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 41

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
401 23-04-2002 33 Kb. 11
A library v0.1.1 for DrDialog to create a progre
ss bar(source included) - Mar., 21th  2002 
402 06-04-1993 97 Kb. 10
DRAGDROP Simulation & test programs. These are
2 programs for testing and simulating drag&drop
operations. Source & exe included. 
403 10-08-1993 105 Kb. 10
Sample program that demonstrates drag/drop betwe
en containers using the DrgDragFiles() API set. 
404 05-12-1993 119 Kb. 9
Drag/Drop sample program that puts up windows
that let you monitor the structures and messages
that happen during drag/drop. Includes all sourc
e code. 
405 10-08-1993 120 Kb. 9
Sample program that demonstrates drag/drop betwe
en containers using source rendering (in a singl
e thread). 
406 10-08-1993 142 Kb. 12
Sample program that demonstrates drag/drop betwe
en containers using source rendering (in multipl
e threads). 
407 10-08-1993 124 Kb. 11
Sample program that shows a way to handle drag/d
rop between a PM program and WPS objects. Implem
ents an 'agent' object that acts as a translator
between the PM window and the WPS. 
408 02-06-2002 437 Kb. 11
The DSS(Directory and Security Server) Programmi
ng Reference(June, 1996) 
409 20-05-2002 437 Kb. 11
The Directory and Security Server(DSS) Programmi
ng Guide and Reference(June 1996) 
410 20-05-2002 5141 Kb. 11
The Directory and Security Server(DSS) v5.0
Toolkit (June 1996) 

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