File index of OS2SWBBS: Programming Tools page 40

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
391 14-05-1993 20 Kb. 10
Example of using DosStartSession and DosKillProc
ess to start and terminate a DOS session under
392 02-05-2003 3 Kb. 12
The Source deck of DOSQ.C for EMX/GCC, DOSQSS.H
is included(2002) 
393 08-12-1996 15 Kb. 11
Sample Code and docs for DosQProcStatus. 
394 12-07-1993 15 Kb. 11
.INF on DosQProcStatus API for OS/2 2.0 
395 08-10-1993 13 Kb. 11
DosText V1.00 will replace the "This program
cannot be run in a DOS session." error that
you get when running an OS/2 program under somet
hing other than OS/2, with whatever text you
like. Very simple little Hack... 
396 07-04-1994 51 Kb. 11
Dovetail design program with C++ source/Control
Class lib source. 
397 11-02-2002 4594 Kb. 12
DOXYGEN v1.2.11 - A documentation system for
C++/C, Java and IDL sources. see:http://www.stac 
398 15-02-1993 12 Kb. 11
Drag&Drop Simulation Program. This program can
simulate a drag&drop operation. The parameters
can be configured on screen. This is a comlement
ary tool to the DROPINFO program that comes
with the Redbook 4 sample code. 
399 08-06-1994 6 Kb. 12
Small sample program that illustrates how to
enable a single selection IListBox for drag/drop
. Updated version shows how to copy and move
list items. Shredding items via the WPS Shredder
is also shown. 
400 08-12-2001 32 Kb. 11
A library v0.1.0 for DrDialog to create a progre
ss bar(source included) - Dec., 1st 2001 

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