File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 31

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
301 13-12-2000 780 Kb. 8
( WarpIN v0.96 Installer. New
general-purpose installer for OS/2 to overcome
the current lack of the new general-purpose
installer for OS/2 to overcome the current lack
of of a both flexible and user-friendly installe
302 17-06-1998 534 Kb. 8
WarpCron 2.0 beta 4 scheduler with pm setup.
 Small tiny scheduler for OS/2 textmode. Runs
window, fullscreen and PM apps on a specific
time, day, every X minutes/days/months and/or
on specific weekdays and /or on a semaphore. 
303 22-11-1997 6 Kb. 8
WHICHDLL is a Rexx script that searches the
LIBPATH variable for the specified DLL file
to determine which DLL is actually found first. 
304 09-06-1999 776 Kb. 8
WarpIN alpha v0.04 General-purpose installer
for OS/2 to overcome the current lack of a both
flexible and user-friendly installer. This will
be available to any programmer, commercial,
shareware, freeware or GPL, for free use. 
305 10-04-1996 231 Kb. 8
WATCHIT PLUS easily makes accessible all the
information needed to optimize any IBM LAN SERVE
306 28-05-1996 991 Kb. 8
WarpStart is a collection of OS/2 reference
tools.  It will install to a folder on your
desktop for easy use. 
307 10-10-1998 380 Kb. 9
LM78 mainboard monitor for OS/2. 
308 10-10-1998 394 Kb. 6
LM78 mainboard monitor for OS/2. 
309 24-03-2002 62 Kb. 5
XLATOR.EXE - A HPFS386 Error Log Interpreter(Mar
., 17th 1998) 
310 10-05-1998 8 Kb. 7
System load average display for XFree86/OS2. 

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