File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 30

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
291 01-04-1995 923 Kb. 8
DCF/2 Lite Test Drive Distribution. Fully-enable
d DCF/2 Lite package including a 30-day license.
Download the TRYDCFLT.Z_ file into a temporary
directory.  Use PKUNZIP to ex_act the distribut
ion files and then run the INSTALL.EXE program. 
292 26-02-2003 26 Kb. 6
TTOOLS v0.3 for  OS/2 : hardkill support with
special driver, a system rebooter, telnetd for
embedded systems, and an uptime viewer(Sep 9
293 02-05-1998 332 Kb. 8
ASUS TX97 Temp. etc Monitor. Requirements: ASUS
tx97 MB and xf86sup.sys 
294 um51demo.exe 19-02-2000 1616 Kb. 7
UniMaint v5.1 demo. Provides a unified suite
of utilities designed to allow you to maintain
your OS/2 Workplace Shell. 
295 um51demo.txt 19-02-2000 6 Kb. 46
UniMaint v5.1 demo Readme file. 
296 12-03-1997 13 Kb. 8
lists all active processes and their CPU usage. 
297 18-06-2002 16 Kb. 8
WakeOnLAN - A command utility to activate remote
PC ATX via a MAC address(May, 26th 2002) See: 
298 25-04-2000 63 Kb. 7
WpsArcO v1.5. WPS Archive Organizer (Mailware). 
299 24-05-1998 78 Kb. 6
Shows info on a bar such as Date/Time, available
Virtual and Physical Memory, Swap size, system
Up time, Pop mail, CPU Usage, Disk Free Space
and TCP/IP statistics. For OS/2 Warp 3.0 with
fixpak 32 or later. 
300 17-02-2003 1289 Kb. 9
The WarpIN Installer v1.0.0 used for files with
the extension *.WPI(Nov 2002) 

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