File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 29-12-2002 2482 Kb. 10
An OS/2 sample configuration of the application
of the BOOTOS2 Protect Shell(Mar 14 2001) 
32 29-07-1998 136 Kb. 10
Bootset v2.00 - run programs during boot. BootSe
t allow batchfiles(batchcommands) to be run
during the OS/2 boot sequence. 
33 24-11-1992 88 Kb. 10
BenchTech for OS/2 1.1 patch for networks. v1.01
patch for BenchTech for OS/2. This file does
not stand alone, it requires the rest of the
product to function properly. 
34 03-12-1995 71 Kb. 9
BTask 1.0 Button controlled realtime task switch
er for OS/2 2.1 and Warp. 
35 27-03-1999 27 Kb. 10
Task Buster v2.0.00. System information about:
Processes (application) that has been started,
Threads started by a selected processes, The
semaphores in the system, Modules that has been
loaded, and more. 
36 16-04-2002 12 Kb. 10
CAF v1.1 as a tool to switch to foreign keyboard
s via KEYB.COM 
37 18-07-1996 540 Kb. 10
(Demo) Ctrl-Alt-Del Commander (CAD Commander)
takes control of the boot services of an OS/2
Warp system. 
38 08-12-2001 191 Kb. 10
The CAD Commander update v2.52 - Version 2.5
is required and Warp 4 FP 7+ is recommended(July
, 28th 1998) 
39 20-09-1994 20 Kb. 9
CCaMeter OS/2 CPU Activity Monitor. Displays
amount of CPU being used on a SMALL Bar Graph
located at bottom/left corner of DestTop screen.
Uses small amount of memory and almost no CPU
40 01-01-1999 41 Kb. 8
CD-ROM Speed Test 1.0 - Thoroughly tests the
reading speed of CD-ROM tracks for further criti
cal use such as with a CD-R Software. 

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