File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 3

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
21 20-12-1996 204 Kb. 11
IBM ValuePoint Assistant.  Part of PCASST.ZIP. 
22 asst.ico 28-07-1995 0 Kb. 75
Icon for IBM PC Assistant books.  Part of PCASST
23 asst.txt 23-12-1996 27 Kb. 116
Description/Install info for PC Assistant. 
Part of PCASST.ZIP. 
24 19-12-1994 538 Kb. 13
Demo version of ATS for OS/2 Version 3.01 This
fixes a few minor bugs in the previously  releas
ed demo. Production Task Scheduler. 
25 01-06-1997 42 Kb. 10
Auto-Mate Injoy or any OS/2 application. Great
for Auto retrieval of your E-Mail! Full document
ation for setting up Injoy. 
26 01-02-1997 250 Kb. 10
AWACS v3.57 is a basic system state monitor
for display to either a MDA (mono, digital)
screen or to a PM window on the desktop (or
both at the same time). 
27 05-05-2000 4177 Kb. 10
A program to back and restore Warp from testcase
(March 1999) 
28 29-11-1997 18 Kb. 9
Battery charge monitor. 
29 04-01-1995 527 Kb. 11
Batch Manager Demo. Demo version of "Batch Manag
er", software used to schedule & control OS/2
& DOS command files from a job queue. Perfect
for scheduling any repetitive task, particularly
on file servers. 30 days or 30 executions. 
30 10-05-1998 210 Kb. 9
Bootit Lite 1.00 <ASP> - Multi-Boot Utility.
Boot multiple operating systems, hide and unhide
partitions and volumes on the fly, and much
more. All types of programs can be added to
Bootit which run before any OS is loaded! $39.95

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