File index of OS2SWBBS: System Tools page 21

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
201 30-01-1998 696 Kb. 9
Procview. Monitor the running processes on your
system. You can exapand and collapse the prcess
tree like you would look at a file tree. Bring
a selected application to the foreground, kill
it or look at the process details. Freeware. 
202 30-01-1998 22 Kb. 9
Process Watchdog v1.0 uses PSTAT to determine
whether a certain program is still active or
not, and restarts it if necessary. 
203 24-05-2003 2001 Kb. 8
The IBM PS ASSISTANT - A documentation (INF
files) to explain what the IBM PS Assistant
is, how to install it, how to obtain future
upgrades, and what problems or limitations you
might run into while installing or using it(Mar
31 1994) 
204 28-10-1994 1198 Kb. 8
General PS/2 information (need postscript printe
r). Part 1 of 5. (See readme.txt in PS2REF1.ZIP) 
205 14-10-1994 1197 Kb. 9
General PS/2 information (need postscript printe
r). Part 2 of 5. (See readme.txt in PS2REF1.ZIP) 
206 14-10-1994 1162 Kb. 9
General PS/2 information (need postscript printe
r). Part 3 of 5. (See readme.txt in PS2REF1.ZIP) 
207 01-08-1994 1122 Kb. 8
General PS/2 information (need postscript printe
r). Part 4 of 5. (See readme.txt in PS2REF1.ZIP) 
208 26-09-1997 32 Kb. 8
Process Information Tool v0.12 Passive CPU Usage
, Process Killer, System Stats. 
209 28-03-2001 47 Kb. 9
PSPM2.EXE v6.0 - Visualizes a Process Status
PM2 tree with cancel function (1999) 
210 03-11-2002 61 Kb. 9
A tool for TkinkPad - Power Management,Built-in
Device Configuration,Display Device Controls(May
21 1999) 

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